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Contact Jill


Email Address*


For more information or to schedule a private consultation, group consultation, or to host a workshop in your area, provide Jill your email address in the field available (to avoid spam) and she will reply to you with her phone / text number.

Jill resides in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Comments made by or Jill Joblonkay are not to be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical or psychological condition.  In accordance with law, all psychic medium and channeling services, as well as all included documents and material stated to be presented from Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Higher Self, the Highest Self, the Source, Source, the Oneness and the Christ Consciousness are for entertainment purposes only.  Please read our terms, conditions, and copyright policy before using this site or our services.  Thank you.

© 2009 - 2023 Jill Joblonkay

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